A Critical Template file '%s' is missing. Please locate this file before packaging
Package Templates
Data templates
What would you like to Package?
Wat wilt u exporteren?
%s Device Package
%s Graph Template Package
Naam grafiektemplate
%s Data Query Package
Data query naam
Available Templates [%s]
Beschikbare templates [%s]
Available Templates
Beschikbare templates [%s]
%s to Export
Choose the exact items to export in the Package.
Kies de sjabloon om te exporteren naar XML.
Include Dependencies
Inclusief afhankelijkheden
Some templates rely on other items in Cacti to function properly. It is highly recommended that you select this box or the resulting import may fail.
Sommige sjablonen vertrouwen op andere items in Cacti om goed te functioneren. Het is ten zeerste aan te raden dit vakje aan te vinken, anders kan de resulterende import mislukken.
Package Information
PHP informatie
The Package Description.
The license type for this package.
De gebruikersnaam van deze gebruiker.
The version number to publish for this Package.
De encryptiemethode voor de e-mail.
The Classification of the Package.
De kleur zoals getoond op het scherm.
Assign various searchable attributes to the Package.
Some Packages require additional changes outside of Cacti's scope such as setting up an SNMP Agent Extension on the Devices to be monitored. You should add those instructions here..
Author Information
Poller informatie