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PHP Mail() Function PHP mail() functie
Sendmail Sendmail
Required Tool Paths Benodigde gereedschapspaden
snmpwalk Binary Path snmpwalk binary locatie
The path to your snmpwalk binary. De locatie van de snmpwalk binary.
snmpget Binary Path snmpget binary locatie
The path to your snmpget binary. De locatie van de snmpget binary.
snmpbulkwalk Binary Path snmpbulkwalk binary locatie
The path to your snmpbulkwalk binary. De locatie van de snmpbulkwalk binary.
snmpgetnext Binary Path snmpgetnext binary locatie
The path to your snmpgetnext binary. De locatie van de snmpgetnext binary.
snmptrap Binary Path snmptrap binary locatie
The path to your snmptrap binary. De locatie van de snmptrap binary.
RRDtool Binary Path RRDtool binary locatie
The path to the rrdtool binary. De locatie van de rrdtool binary.
PHP Binary Path PHP binary locatie
The path to your PHP binary file (may require a php recompile to get this file). De locatie van de PHP binary (mogelijk is het opnieuw compileren van PHP noodzakelijk).
FPing Binary Path PHP binary locatie
The path to the FPing binary file which provides for a more precise ping command.