English Latvian
Aggregate Name Kopējais nosaukums:
Cacti has Imported the following Graph Rules Cacti importēja sekojošus elementus:
Cacti has Imported the following SNMP Options Cacti importēja sekojošus elementus:
Cacti has Imported the following Device Rules Cacti importēja sekojošus elementus:
Cacti has Imported the following Tree Rules Cacti importēja sekojošus elementus:
Input Name Ievades nosaukums:
The following Graph is using this Data Source. Šajā diagrammā tiek izmantoti šie datu avoti:
The following Graph is using these Data Sources. Šajā diagrammā tiek izmantoti šie datu avoti:
The following Data Source is used by this Graph. Šajos grafikos tiek izmantoti šādi datu avoti:
The following Data Source is used by these Graphs. Šajos grafikos tiek izmantoti šādi datu avoti:
The following Data Source is in use by this Graph. Šajos grafikos tiek izmantoti šādi datu avoti:
The following Data Source is in use by these Graphs. Šajos grafikos tiek izmantoti šādi datu avoti:
Installation Instructions Uzstādīšanas iespējas:
Hostname: Resursdatora nosaukums:
Package: Pakotne
Table: Tabulas
RRDtool Command Crashed RRDtool komanda:
Branch Filiāle:
Automation Process Aptuvenais process:
Poller: Aptaujātajs