English Latvian
Query ID Vaicājuma nosaukums
The Query ID of the currently running Query.
The MariaDB/MySQL user currently running the Query.
Run Time Izpildes ierobežojums
The Runtime of the current query in seconds. Saistīšanas taimauts sekundēs.
Query Length Indeksa garums
The total string length of the Query. Vietnes pasta vai pasta indekss.
Query State Vaicājuma nosaukums
The MariaDB/MySQL process state.
Query Details Kopsavilkuma detaļas
The Query Details for the current query upto a maximum string length.
No Database Queries Found Datu vaicājumi nav atrasti
Cacti Poller Kaktusu mājas
Cacti Process 1 process
RTM Process 1 process
Automation Process Aptuvenais process:
HMIB Process 1 process
MikroTik Process 1 process
WebSeer Process 1 process
Service Check Process Dzēst Pārbaudi