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Orphans Bāreņi
File Differences for: Failu atšķirības:
Local Package Import File Pakešu faili
Automatically Trust Signer Automātiski pievienot kaktusiem
If checked, Cacti will automatically Trust the Signer for this and any future Packages by that author.
Replace Data Source and Graph Template Suggested Value Records. Graphs and Data Sources will take on new names after either a Data Query Reindex or by using the forced Replace Suggested Values process.
WARNING: %s is out of sync with the Poller Interval for Poller[%d]! The Poller Interval is %d seconds, with a maximum of a %d seconds, but %d seconds have passed since the last poll! BRĪDINĀJUMS: %s nav sinhronizēts ar aptauju intervālu polera ID %d! Aptaujāšanas intervāls ir %d sekundes, maksimums %d sekundes, bet kopš pēdējās aptaujas ir pagājušas %d sekundes!
WARNING: There are %d processes detected as overrunning a polling cycle for Poller[%d], please investigate. BRĪDINĀJUMS: ir konstatēti %d procesi, kas pārsniedz aptaujas cikla aptauju id %d, lūdzu, izpētiet.
WARNING: Poller Output Table not empty for Poller[%d]. Issues: %d, %s. BRĪDINĀJUMS: Pollera izvades tabula nav tukša pollera ID %d. Problēmas: %d, %s.
ERROR: The spine path: %s is invalid for Poller[%d]. Poller can not continue! KĻŪDA: mugurkaula ceļš: %s nav derīgs polera ID %d. Poller nevar turpināt!
Maximum runtime of %d seconds exceeded for Poller[%d]. Exiting. Pārsniegts maksimālais izpildes laiks %d sekundes polera ID %d. Iziet.
WARNING: 24 hours Poller[%d] avg. run time is %f seconds (more than %d % of time limit)
WARNING: In last hour Poller[%d] run time %d times reached more than %d % of time limit
NOTE: A second Cacti data collector has been added. Therefore, enabling boost automatically! PIEZĪME. Ir pievienots otrs Cacti datu savācējs. Tāpēc automātiska pastiprināšana!
Use Cacti Log Level Vispārējs žurnāla līmenis
Custom Log Level Vispārējs žurnāla līmenis
In Cases where you need to perform debugging for a single Data Collector Only, you can change it's log level here.
Remote Database SSL Authorities directory Attālās datu bāzes SSL iestāde
The file path to the directory that contains the trusted SSL Certificate Authority certificates. This is an optional parameter that can used instead of giving the path to an individual Certificate Authority file. This parameter can be required by the database provider if they have started SSL using the --ssl-mode=VERIFY_CA option. Fails, kurā ir SSL sertifikātu iestāde, kas jāizmanto, lai izveidotu savienojumu ar attālo datu bāzi. Šis ir izvēles parametrs, ko var pieprasīt datu bāzes nodrošinātājs, ja tas ir sācis SSL, izmantojot opciju --ssl-mode=VERIFY_CA.
Provides a way to disable verification of the server's SSL certificate Common Name against the server's hostname when connecting. This verification is enabled by default.