English Latvian
Automation Network Rule '%s' %s Failed!
Automation Network Rule Import data is either for another object type or not JSON formatted.
Template column ' Veidņu politika
No session Sesija
Access Denied! Login failed. Pieeja noliegta! Pieslēgšanās neizdevās.
Reset password Jaunā parole
This password appears to be a well known password, please use a different one
Authentication was previously not set. Attempted to set to Local Authentication, but no Administrative account was found. Autentifikācija iepriekš nebija iestatīta. Mēģināja iestatīt vietējo autentifikāciju, taču netika atrasts neviens administratīvs konts.
ERROR: Unable to find user Nevar atrast lietotāju DN
2FA failed to be disabled Lietojiet filtru tabulai
2FA is now disabled Ceļš nav rakstāms
2FA secret failed to be generated/updated
2FA secret has needs verification Dzēšanas pārbaude
ERROR: Code was not verified, please try again
2FA has been enabled and verified
Head Lines %d rindas
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