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The number of rows for Cacti RRA id '%s' is incorrect. The number of rows are '%s' but should be '%s' Rindu skaitam Cacti RRA id '%s' ir jābūt '%s'
The RRA '%s' missing in the existing Cacti RRDfile RRD failā trūkst RRA “%s”.
Errors Found %s nav atrasts
Optional Tuning Recommendations Datu avotu labošanas ieteikumi
Root ROOT - uz objektu orientēta bibliotēku kopa mērogojamu datu analīzei
Graph Not created for %s due to bad data Grafiks nav izveidots priekš
NOTE: Graph not added for Data Query %s and index %s due to Data Source verification failure
If using the Cacti Performance Booster and choosing a memory storage engine, you have to be careful to flush your Performance Booster buffer before the system runs out of memory table space. This is done two ways, first reducing the size of your output column to just the right size. This column is in the tables poller_output, and poller_output_boost. The second thing you can do is allocate more memory to memory tables. We have arbitrarily chosen a recommended value of 10%% of system memory, but if you are using SSD disk drives, or have a smaller system, you may ignore this recommendation or choose a different storage engine. You may see the expected consumption of the Performance Booster tables under Console -> System Utilities -> View Boost Status. Ja izmantojat Cacti Performance Booster un izvēlaties atmiņas krātuves dzinēju, jums ir jābūt uzmanīgiem, lai izskalotu Performance Booster buferi, pirms sistēmā beigsies vieta atmiņas tabulā. Tas tiek darīts divos veidos, vispirms samazinot izvades kolonnas izmēru līdz pareizajam izmēram. Šī kolonna atrodas tabulās poller_output un poller_output_boost. Otra lieta, ko varat darīt, ir piešķirt vairāk atmiņas atmiņas tabulām. Mēs esam patvaļīgi izvēlējušies ieteicamo sistēmas atmiņas vērtību — 10%%, taču, ja izmantojat SSD disku diskus vai jums ir mazāka sistēma, varat ignorēt šo ieteikumu vai izvēlēties citu krātuves programmu. Varat redzēt paredzamo Performance Booster tabulu patēriņu sadaļā Console -> System Utilities -> View Boost Status.
If this number is negative, reduce the innodb_buffer_pool_size until the join_buffer_size turns positive, but allocate approximately from between 25%-50% of memory to the innodb_buffer_pool_size if the database is hosted on the Cacti server, or upto 80% of the systems memory if the database is separate from the Cacti web server. However, try to not go below the default of 262,144. When performing joins, if they are below this size, they will be kept in memory and never written to a temporary file. As this is a per connection memory allocation, care must be taken not to increase it too high. The sum of the join_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size + read_buffer_size + read_rnd_buffer_size + thread_stack + binlog_cache_size + Core MySQL/MariaDB memory should be below 80% if the database is hosted on the Cacti web server and less if you intend to have very large RRDfiles or hundreds of thousands to millions long term.
If this number is negative, reduce the innodb_buffer_pool_size until the sort_buffer_size turns positive, but allocate approximately from between 25%-50% of memory to the innodb_buffer_pool_size if the database is hosted on the Cacti server, or upto 80% of the system memory if the database is separate from the Cacti web server. However, try to not go below the default setting of 2,097,152. A sort buffer performs sorts for some queries using ORDER BY or GROUP BY. Configuring sort_buffer_size decides how much memory will be allocated for sort queries. The sort_buffer_size may need to be adjusted from the default if the workload requires a significant number of sort queries. The sort_buffer_size is defined on a per-session variable. Use the same equation as that of the join_buffer_size to determine the per connection possible memory.
InnoDB will hold as much tables and indexes in system memory as is possible. Therefore, you should make the innodb_buffer_pool large enough to hold as much of the tables and index in memory. Checking the size of the /var/lib/mysql/cacti directory will help in determining this value. We are recommending 25%% of your systems total memory, but your requirements will vary depending on your systems size. If you database is very large or remote, you can consider increasing this size. If remote, it can by as high as 80% of the systems memory. However, cautions must be taken to reduce the swapiness of the system, or to remove swap to keep the system from swapping. InnoDB sistēmas atmiņā glabās pēc iespējas vairāk tabulu un indeksu. Tāpēc innodb_buffer_pool ir jāpadara pietiekami liels, lai tajā saglabātu pēc iespējas vairāk tabulu un indeksu. Pārbaudot direktorijas /var/lib/mysql/cacti lielumu, varēsiet noteikt šo vērtību. Mēs iesakām 25%% no jūsu sistēmas kopējās atmiņas, taču jūsu prasības atšķirsies atkarībā no sistēmas lieluma.
%s will divide the innodb_buffer_pool into memory regions to improve performance for versions of MariaDB less than 10.5. The max value is 64, but should not exceed more than the number of CPU cores/threads. When your innodb_buffer_pool is less than 1GB, you should use the pool size divided by 128MB. Continue to use this equation up to the max the number of CPU cores or 64. %s sadalīs innodb_buffer_pool atmiņas reģionos, lai uzlabotu veiktspēju MariaDB versijām, kas jaunākas par 10.5. Maksimālā vērtība ir 64. Ja jūsu innodb_buffer_pool ir mazāks par 1 GB, izmantojiet kopas lielumu, kas dalīts ar 128 MB. Turpiniet izmantot šo vienādojumu līdz maksimumam 64.
%s will divide the innodb_buffer_pool into memory regions to improve performance for versions of MySQL upto and including MySQL 8.0. The max value is 64, but should not exceed more than the number of CPU cores/threads. When your innodb_buffer_pool is less than 1GB, you should use the pool size divided by 128MB. Continue to use this equation up to the max of the number of CPU cores or 64. %s sadalīs innodb_buffer_pool atmiņas reģionos, lai uzlabotu veiktspēju MariaDB versijām, kas jaunākas par 10.5. Maksimālā vērtība ir 64. Ja jūsu innodb_buffer_pool ir mazāks par 1 GB, izmantojiet kopas lielumu, kas dalīts ar 128 MB. Turpiniet izmantot šo vienādojumu līdz maksimumam 64.
PHP %s is the minimum version PHP %s ir minimālā versija
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