English Latvian
100 Million
125 Million (1 Gigabit)
1 Billion
1.25 Billion (10 Gigabits)
12.5 Billion (100 Gigabits)
DS Filter Filtrēt
Specifies the DSes inside an RRD upon which Spikekill will operate. A string of comma-separated values that contains index numbers or names of desired DSes. If left blank, all DSes will match. An example is <i>"5,traffic_*"</i>, which would match DS index 5 as well as any DS whose name begins with <i>"traffic_"</i>.
TimeZone Support MySQL — laika joslas atbalsts
How would you like Cacti to present dates? This setting will also change the way that Cacti Graphs dates are represented.
Cacti Server Timezone Cacti Server v%s — apkope
My Browsers Timezone
Cacti Install Help Aktīvs/instalēts
FATAL: We are unable to continue with this installation. In order to install Cacti, PHP must be at version 7.4 or later. FATAL: mēs nevaram turpināt šo instalēšanu. Lai instalētu Cacti, PHP ir jābūt versijai 5.4 vai jaunākai.
There was some error in MySQL/MariaDB. Can not continue.
You must pass at least a single Graph to this function Jums ir jāatlasa vismaz viens grafiks, ko pievienot pārskatam.
Aggregate Items are not modifiable Apkopotie vienumi nav modificējami
Matching Objects [ %s ]&nbsp; Atbilstoši objekti [ %s ]
Attempted SQL Injection found in Tree Automation for the field variable.
Show Matching Device SQL Query Nav atbilstošu ierīču
Show Matching Objects SQL Query Atbilstoši objekti