The Height to be used when importing or updating Graph Templates.
Noklusējuma diagrammas platums, kas tiks izmantots visām jaunajām diagrammu veidnēm.
The Width to be used when importing or updating Graph Templates.
Noklusējuma diagrammas platums, kas tiks izmantots visām jaunajām diagrammu veidnēm.
Choose a Sub-Tree Item to hook in.<br>Make sure, that it is still there when this rule is executed!
Izvēlieties apakškoka elementu, ko pievienot.<br> Pārliecinieties, vai tas joprojām ir tur, kad šis noteikums tiek izpildīts!
FPing Binary Path
PHP binārais ceļš
The path to the FPing binary file which provides for a more precise ping command.
This is the Log file where Boost will write its information to. It much be located in the same directory as the Cacti Log file.
Expand log details
Izvērsiet vienumu Ierīces
What level of expansion do you want on the log file? Increase expansion can slow search results
Log Ignored General Errors
Cacti will mask certain errors that are often times considered fatal and that would otherwise disable plugins and additionally confuse some users. If you wish to see these errors instead, check the checkbox.
Log Rotation
Žurnāla Glabāšana
Show only site specific locations
Šeit iestatiet visas diagrammai specifiskās opcijas.
Show only locations that are available at a devices selected site.
GitHub/GitLab API Settings
Base API Repository URL
If you wish to get the latest plguins versions directly from GitHub or GitLab enter the GitHub or GitLab API url here. The default is https://api.github.com/. Change this only if you have your own repository that you maintain for Cacti Plugins.
GitHub User Account
Lietotāja konta dati
The User account that holds your GitHub/GitLab repositories. Change this only if you have your own repository that you maintain for Cacti Plugins.
Personal Access Token
Panākumi - Token