English Latvian
Downed Device SNMP Recovery Options Set Mainiet ierīces(-u) SNMP opcijas
If a Device goes down, use this SNMP Option Set to attempt to re-establish communication with the device and update the devices settings based upon the first matching SNMP Options Set.
The type of ping packet to sent. <br><i>NOTE: ICMP on Linux/UNIX requires root privileges.</i> <br><i>NOTE: TCP Ping Closed - Even if the tcp ping is not successful, the device can be considered UP.</i> Nosūtāmās ping pakotnes veids.<br> <i>PIEZĪME. ICMP operētājsistēmā Linux/UNIX ir nepieciešamas root tiesības.</i>
Created Izveidot
Date/time the device was added
The Version given to this Device Template. Šīs ierīces veidnes nosaukums.
A suitable Class for the Device Template. Noderīgs nosaukums šai veidnei.
A series of space delimited tags to help with searching for this Device Template.
The original author of this Device Template. Šī koka sākotnējais autors.
Author Email Autors
The original author's Email address. Šī koka sākotnējais autors.
A the author's desired copyright for this Device Template. Šīs ierīces veidnes nosaukums.
Installation Instructions Uzstādīšanas iespējas:
Brief installation instructions provided by the Device Template author.
Data Source Overrides Datu avotu profili
Graph/Data Template Overrides Grafika veidnes opcijas
Replace Data Query Suggested Value Patterns
Replace Data Source and Graph Template Suggested Value Records for Data Queries. Graphs and Data Sources will take on new names after either a Data Query Reindex or by using the forced Replace Suggested Values process.
The Image Format to be used when importing or updating Graph Templates. Noklusējuma attēla formāts, kas jāizmanto visām jaunajām diagrammu veidnēm.