English Latvian
Define guarded ratio poller run/max time (in percent).
24 hours guarded poller ratio run/max
Define guarded average ratio poller run/max time (in percent). When it is reached, warning will be written to log and email will be send. 0 = disable
Spine Specific Execution Parameters
How would you like Spine output errors logged? The options are: 'Detailed' which is similar to cmd.php logging; 'Summary' which provides the number of output errors per Device; and 'None', which does not provide error counts. Kā vēlaties reģistrēt datu apkopotāja izvades kļūdas? Iespējas ir šādas: “Detalizēts”, kurā ir detalizēti aprakstīta katra kļūda, “Kopsavilkums”, kas nodrošina izvades kļūdu skaitu katrā ierīcē, un “Nav”, kas nenorāda kļūdu skaitu.
If a user authenticates and selects 'Keep me signed in', an authentication cookie will be created on the user's computer allowing that user to stay logged in. The authentication cookie expires after 90 days of non-use. Note, the client must use HTTPS to leverage this feature. Ja lietotājs veic autentifikāciju un atlasa Saglabāt pierakstīšanos, lietotāja datorā tiks izveidots autentifikācijas sīkfails, kas ļauj lietotājam palikt pieteicies. Autentifikācijas sīkfaila derīguma termiņš beidzas pēc 90 dienu neizmantošanas.
2FA Timeout Nesasniedzams
How long the Two Factor Auth token lasts before being rechecked up to a max of 1 week
Pwned Checks (Online)
Pwned Check Palaist pārbaudi
Check password against haveibeenpwned.com
Pwned Threshold Slieksnis
Block use of a password once it reaches this reported usage level
The maximum size of the E-Mail message including all attachments. Maksimālais e-pasta ziņojuma lielums, ieskaitot visus pielikumus.
If the boost poller exceeds this runtime, a warning will be placed in the cacti log, Ja pastiprināšanas pollers pārsniedz šo izpildlaiku, kaktusu žurnālā tiks ievietots brīdinājums,
If this field is non-blank, Boost will log RRDUpdate output from the boost poller process. Ja šis lauks nav tukšs, Boost reģistrēs RRDupdate izvadi no pastiprināšanas poller procesa.
Data Collection Method Datu apkopošana
Data Source Statistics can use a legacy method where it will determine peak and average values, or an advanced mode which will calculated several additional statistical values in addition to peak and average. Using All Statistical Metrics can place additional CPU and IO load on the system.
Peak/Average Only
All Statistical Metrics Notīrīt statistiku