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Data Collector Replication Informācija par datu savācēju
By default, the main Cacti Data Collector will cache the entire web site and plugins into a Resource Cache. Then, periodically the Remote Data Collectors will update themselves with any updates from the main Cacti Data Collector. This Resource Cache essentially allows Remote Data Collectors to self upgrade. If you do not wish to use this option, you can disable it using this setting. Pēc noklusējuma galvenais Cacti Data Collector kešatmiņā saglabās visu vietni un spraudņus resursu kešatmiņā. Pēc tam attālie datu vācēji periodiski atjauninās sevi ar jebkādiem atjauninājumiem no galvenā Cacti Data Collector. Šī resursu kešatmiņa būtībā ļauj attālajiem datu savācējiem pašiem veikt jaunināšanu. Ja nevēlaties izmantot šo opciju, varat to atspējot, izmantojot šo iestatījumu.
Disable Automatic Full Sync on Upgrade
By default, upon upgrading the Main Cacti system, it will perform a Full Sync to all Data Collectors. This process may be time consuming. Therefore, to allow upgrades to be completed quicker, we provide this option. Note that if this is disabled, the Cacti administrator must force this process from the Data Collectors interface after upgrade.
The maximum time that spine will wait on a script to complete. This timeout value is in seconds and valid for both cmd.php and spine Data Collectors. Maksimālais laiks, ko mugurkauls gaidīs, līdz skripts tiks pabeigts. Šī noildzes vērtība ir norādīta sekundēs un ir derīga tikai mugurkaula Data Collector.
Periodic All Device Re-Index
Re-Index All Device Schedule Pārindeksēt ierīci
At what frequency do you wish to Re-Index all Devices. This Re-Index will occur at midnight at the frequency that you select.
Weekly on Sunday
Monthly on Sunady Katru mēnesi dienā
Background Timeout and Concurrent Process Settings Fona taimauta iestatījumi
RRDChecker Timeout DNS noildze
The maximum amount of time Cacti's RRDfile Check script can run without generating a timeout error and being killed. Maksimālais laiks, ko var palaist Cacti's Spikekill skripts, neradot taimauta kļūdu un nenogalinot.
Poller Commands Timeout Fona komandu noildze
The maximum amount of time Cacti's Background Commands script can run without generating a timeout error and being killed. This script will perform tasks such as re-indexing Devices and pruning devices from Remote Data Collectors. Maksimālais laiks, ko Cacti's Background Commands skripts var palaist, neradot taimauta kļūdu un netiekot nogalināts.
Poller Command Concurrent Processes Vienlaicīgo procesu skaits
The number of concurrent Poller Command processes. The will be at most one concurrent command per host within the Poller Command pool.
1h count warning threshold
When this count of guarded ratio (below) is reached in one hour, warning will be written to log and email will be send. 0 = disable.
1 hour guarded poller ratio run/max