Delete Device Rules
Dzēst ierīci
Click 'Continue' to Export the following Device Rule.
Noklikšķiniet uz "Turpināt", lai dzēstu šādu(-as) ierīci(-es).
Click 'Continue' to Export following Device Rules.
Noklikšķiniet uz "Turpināt", lai iespējotu šādu(-as) ierīci(-es).
Export Device Rule
Eksportēt ierīces
Export Device Rules
Eksportēt ierīces
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Graph Rule will be disassociated from the Device Rule.
Noklikšķiniet uz "Turpināt", lai dzēstu tālāk norādīto diagrammas veidni, kas tiks atdalīta no ierīces veidnes.
Graph Rule Name: '%s'
Grafika nosaukums: %s
Remove Graph Rule
Izveidot grafikas kārtulu
The Graph Rule has been removed from the Device Rule
Kopējais no šīs ierīces ģenerēto grafiku skaits.
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Tree Rule(s) will be disassociated from the Device Rule.
Noklikšķiniet uz "Turpināt", lai dzēstu tālāk norādītos datu vaicājumus, kas tiks atsaistīti no ierīces veidnes.
Tree Rule Name: '%s'
Koka kārtulas vienumi
Remove Tree Rule
Koku noteikumi
The Tree Rule has been removed from the Device Automation Rule
Matching Settings
Kaktusu iestatījumi
This is a unique string that will be matched to a devices sysDescr string to pair it to this Device Rule. Any Perl regular expression can be used in addition to any SQL Where expression.
Šī ir unikāla virkne, kas tiks saskaņota ar ierīču virkni sysDescr, lai to savienotu pārī ar šo automatizācijas veidni. Jebkuru Perl regulāro izteiksmi var izmantot papildus jebkurai SQL Kur izteiksmei.
This is a unique string that will be matched to a devices sysName string to pair it to this Device Rule. Any Perl regular expression can be used in addition to any SQL Where expression.
Šī ir unikāla virkne, kas tiks saskaņota ar ierīču sysName virkni, lai to savienotu pārī ar šo automatizācijas veidni. Jebkuru Perl regulāro izteiksmi var izmantot papildus jebkurai SQL Kur izteiksmei.
This is a unique string that will be matched to a devices sysOid string to pair it to this Device Rule. Any Perl regular expression can be used in addition to any SQL Where expression.
Šī ir unikāla virkne, kas tiks saskaņota ar ierīču sysOid virkni, lai to savienotu pārī ar šo automatizācijas veidni. Jebkuru Perl regulāro izteiksmi var izmantot papildus jebkurai SQL Kur izteiksmei.
Device Creation Defaults
Ierīces noklusējuma iestatījumi
Device Description Pattern
Ierīces apraksts
Represents the final desired Device description to be used in Cacti. The following replacement values can be used: |sysName|, |ipAddress|, |dnsName|, |dnsShortName|, |sysLocation|. The following functions can also be used: CONCAT(), SUBSTRING(), SUBSTRING_INDEX(). See the MySQL/MariaDB documentation for examples on how to use these functions. An example would be: CONCAT('|sysName|', SUBSTRING('|sysLocation|',1,3)). Take care to include quoting around the variables names when used in the supported MySQL/MariaDB function examples.