English Italian
Block use of a password once it reaches this reported usage level
When an admin creates a new account and an email address is entered, send an informational email to it.
Subject of new user message
This is the Email subject that will be used for new user message.
Email body for new user message
This is the message that will be send to new user account. Max 1024 characters. HTML is allowed. There are several common replacement tags that may be used in include &#060CACTIURL&#062 &#060USERNAME&#062 &#060PASSWORD&#062
New user created. <br>Server: <a href="<CACTIURL>"><CACTIURL></a><br>Username: <USERNAME><br>To login and set a new password, use <a href="<PWDRESETLINK>">the following link</a><br><br>
Send email when an admin changes a user password
When an admin changes the password of an account and the email address for that account is entered, send an informational email to that address.
Subject of reset password message
This is the Email subject that will be used when admin change user password or user use 'Forgot password'.
Cacti - password reset
Email body for reset password message
This is the message that will be sent when a user requests a password reset. Max 1024 characters. HTML is allowed. There are several common replacement tags that may be used in include &#060CACTIURL&#062 &#060USERNAME&#062 &#060PASSWORD&#062
User's password has been reset. <br>Server: <a href="<CACTIURL>"><CACTIURL></a><br>Username: <USERNAME><br>To set a new password, use <a href="<PWDRESETLINK>">the following link</a><br><br>
Reset link validity
How long the resetlink is valid in minutes
For either core Cacti Services or Plugins that require internet access, enter the proxy server and port here in the following format IP:PORT. For example
Internet Proxy User
If your Internet Proxy requires a username, enter it here.