English Hindi
The Repo '%s' is Reachable on GitHub.
The Repo '%s' is NOT Reachable on GitHub or the package.manifest file is missing or it could be an invalid branch. Valid Package Locations are normally: https://github.com/Author/RepoName/.
The Repo '%s' is Reachable at the URL Location.
The Repo '%s' is Reachable on the Local Cacti Server.
Package Repository [new]
Either the full path on the Cacti Web Server to the Repository or a URL to the Repository. For example: https://github.com/Cacti/packages/
For GitHub based repositories, the branch to include such as 'develop', 'master', etc.
API Key (optional)
For GitHub based repositories, the optional API key required to access the repository.
View the Plugins Readme File
View the Plugins ChangeLog File
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Drag and Drop
The action '%s' on Plugin '%s' can not be performed due to the Plugin in it's current state.
The action '%s' '%s' on Plugin '%s' can not be taken as the Plugin is integrated.
The fetch latest plugins process has been launched into background.
The fetch latest plugins process has already been started.
Plugin '%s' has passed it's Configuration Check test and can not be Installed
Plugin '%s' Check Configuration function returned a null response which is invalid. Please check with Plugin Developer for an update.
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