English Hindi
In order to use this Packaging Tool, you must first run the <b><i class="deviceUp">genkey.php</i></b> script in the cli directory. Once that is complete, you will have a public and private key used to sign your packages.
The Web Server must have write access to the '%s' directory
Unable to initialize SQLite3
Cacti Template has Errors. Unable to parse entire template.
Unable to create package temporary directory %s.
The Package %s Import Failed
The following Selected Package will be skipped as no Files or Template Items were selected.
Files to be Imported
You must select either a File or a Template Item to import before proceeding
Unable to obtain the public key for this package. Contact the package author to receive a new package.
You have not Trusted this Package Author '%s'. If you wish to import, check the Automatically Trust Author checkbox. Otherwise, feel free to reach the author at the following Email address '%s'.
Repo File Missing or Damaged
The Repo '%s' is NOT Reachable at the URL Location in the package.manifest.
Something is wrong with your Package Repository
The Signature for one or more packages is not Trusted.<br>
<b>Author:</b> &lt;%s&gt; %s.<br>
Press 'Ok' to start Trusting the Signer, or escape to cancel.
Some Packages Not Trusted
All Packages Trusted
All Package Signatures Validated