English Hebrew (Israel)
Failed to write file to disk
File upload stopped by extension
Device Hash/Device ID/Data Query ID
Invalid file extension.
Max Device Hash Directories
Automation Network SNMP Rule '%s' %s!
The maximum number of Device Directories to be created based upon hashed Device ID's.
Automation Network SNMP Rule '%s' %s Failed!
How would you like Cacti to present dates? This setting will also change the way that Cacti Graphs dates are represented.
My Browsers Timezone
The Automation Network Rule does not include any SNMP Options!
The Automation Network Rule import columns do not match the database schema
NOTE: On large systems, this command may take several minutes to hours to complete and therefore should not be run from the Cacti UI. You can simply run 'php -q cli/rebuild_poller_cache.php --help' at the command line for more information.
The Device Template related to the Network Rule is not loaded in this Cacti System. Please edit this Network and set the Device Template, or Import the Device Template and then re-import this Automation Rule.
Automation Network Rule '%s' %s Failed!
Automation Network Rule Import data is either for another object type or not JSON formatted.
Remote Poller %s is Down, you will need to perform a FullSync once it is up again
This password appears to be a well known password, please use a different one
2FA secret failed to be generated/updated