Automation Network Rule '%s' %s!
Automation Network Rule '%s' %s Failed!
As of %s %s, the you can control how often %s flushes transactions to disk. The default is 1 second, but in high I/O systems setting to a value greater than 1 can allow disk I/O to be more sequential
All %d %s
About to import Package #%s '%s'.
A very special thanks to %sTobi Oetiker%s, the creator of %sRRDtool%s and the very popular %sMRTG%s.
%s Version %s or above is required for %s.
%s KBytes per Data Sources and %s Bytes for the Header
%s is required for %s, and it is not installed.
%d to %d of %s [ %s ]
[%d Items, %d Rows]
[ In state since '%s', Uptime since '%s' ]