No string matched your search!
Please see the official %sCacti website%s for information on how to use Cacti, get support, and updates.
A very special thanks to %sTobi Oetiker%s, the creator of %sRRDtool%s and the very popular %sMRTG%s.
Color Template '%s' had %d Aggregate Templates pushed out and %d Non-Templated Aggregates pushed out
For attribute '%s', issue found '%s'
RRA [edit: %s %s]
%s KBytes per Data Sources and %s Bytes for the Header
Sync of Graph Template '%s' Resulted in %s Repairs!
New Graphs for [ %s ] (%s %s)
Error Parsing Data Query Resource XML file for Data Query '%s' with id of '%s'
Error Parsing Data Query Resource XML file for Data Query '%s' with id '%s'. Field Name '%s' missing a 'direction' attribute
Error Parsing Data Query Resource XML file for Data Query '%s' with id '%s'
WARNING: Cacti Page:%s for User:%s Generated a Fatal Error %d!
The Document page '%s' count not be reached. The Cacti Documentation site is not reachable. The http error was '%s'. Consider downloading an official release to obtain the latest documentation and hosting the documentation locally.
Device Reindex Completed in %0.2f seconds. There were %d items updated.
[ In state since '%s', Uptime since '%s' ]
[%d Items, %d Rows]
Rule Item [edit rule item for %s: %s]
Rule Item [new rule item for %s: %s]
Automation Network SNMP Rule '%s' %s!
Automation Network SNMP Rule '%s' %s Failed!