Field Order
Output Fields can not be removed when Data Sources are present
Graph Name: %s
Associated Graph/Data Templates [edit: %s]
Associated Graph/Data Templates [new]
Data Template - %s
If this Graph Template requires the Data Template Data Source to the left, select the correct XML output column and then to enable the mapping either check or toggle here.
Data Queries [edit: %s]
Mapping ID
Mapped Graph Templates with Graphs are read only
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Data Source Profile.
Click 'Continue' to Delete following Data Source Profiles.
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate the following Data Source Profile.
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate following Data Source Profiles.
Profile Name: %s
Each Insert is New Row
RRA [edit: %s %s]
Data Source Profile [edit: %s]
%s KBytes per Data Sources and %s Bytes for the Header
%s KBytes per Data Source