Template Permission %s
Tree Permission %s
User Domain [edit: %s]
Mode which cacti will attempt to authenticate against the LDAP server.<blockquote><i>No Searching</i> - No Distinguished Name (DN) searching occurs, just attempt to bind with the provided Distinguished Name (DN) format.<br><br><i>Anonymous Searching</i> - Attempts to search for username against LDAP directory via anonymous binding to locate the users Distinguished Name (DN).<br><br><i>Specific Searching</i> - Attempts search for username against LDAP directory via Specific Distinguished Name (DN) and Specific Password for binding to locate the users Distinguished Name (DN).
Distinguished Name (DN)
Search base for searching the LDAP directory, such as <i>"dc=win2kdomain,dc=local"</i> or <i>"ou=people,dc=domain,dc=local"</i>.
Distinguished Name for Specific Searching binding to the LDAP directory.
Field that will replace the Full Name when creating a new user, taken from LDAP. (on windows: displayname)
Field that will replace the email taken from LDAP. (on windows: mail)
CN FullName
Show the Page that the User pointed their browser to
Show the default Graph Screen
What to do when a User from this User Group logs in.
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following User Group.
Login Name
User Group Management [edit: %s]
User Log Purged.
Success - Password
Success - Password Change