This refers to the specific attribute within the LDAP directory that holds the usernames of group members. It is crucial to ensure that the attribute value aligns with the configuration specified in the "Distinguished Name" or that the actual attribute value is searchable using the settings outlined in the "Distinguished Name".
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following User Group.
Click 'Continue' to Delete following User Groups.
Delete User Group
Delete User Groups
Click 'Continue' to Copy the following User Group.
Click 'Continue' to Copy following User Groups.
Copy User Group
Copy User Groups
Click 'Continue' to Enable the following User Group.
Click 'Continue' to Enable following User Groups.
Enable User Group
Enable User Groups
Click 'Continue' to Disable the following User Group.
Click 'Continue' to Disable following User Groups.
Disable User Group
Disable User Groups
User Log Purged.
Click 'Continue' to purge the User Log.<br><br><br>Note: If logging is set to both Cacti and Syslog, the log information will remain in Syslog.
The Poller Cache will be re-generated if you select this option. Use this option only in the event of a database crash if you are experiencing issues after the crash and have already run the database repair tools. Alternatively, if you are having problems with a specific Device, simply re-save that Device to rebuild its Poller Cache. There is also a command line interface equivalent to this command that is recommended for large systems.