Plugin directories can not include spaces
Plugin directory is not correct. Should be '%s' but is '%s'
Plugin directory '%s' is missing setup.php
Plugin is lacking an INFO file
Plugin is integrated into Cacti core
WARNING: %s is out of sync with the Poller Interval for Poller[%d]! The Poller Interval is %d seconds, with a maximum of a %d seconds, but %d seconds have passed since the last poll!
WARNING: There are %d processes detected as overrunning a polling cycle for Poller[%d], please investigate.
WARNING: Poller Output Table not empty for Poller[%d]. Issues: %d, %s.
ERROR: The spine path: %s is invalid for Poller[%d]. Poller can not continue!
Maximum runtime of %d seconds exceeded for Poller[%d]. Exiting.
WARNING: Cacti Polling Cycle Exceeded Poller Interval by
WARNING: 24 hours Poller[%d] avg. run time is %f seconds (more than %d % of time limit)
WARNING: In last hour Poller[%d] run time %d times reached more than %d % of time limit
Cacti Primary Admin
Cacti Automation Report requires an html based Email client
WARNING: Detected Poller Boost Overrun, Possible Boost Poller Crash
Remote Database SSL Authority
You have already used this hostname '%s'. Please enter a non-duplicate hostname.
You have already used this database hostname '%s'. Please enter a non-duplicate database hostname.