Protocol Error, General failure (%s)
Protocol Error, Unable to bind, LDAP result: (%s) on Server (%s)
Unable to Connect to Server (%s)
Connection Timeout to Server (%s)
Insufficient Access to Server (%s)
Group DN could not be found to compare on Server (%s)
Unable to find user from DN
Unable to create LDAP connection object to Server (%s)
Unexpected error %s (Ldap Error: %s) on Server (%s)
ICMP Ping timed out
ICMP Ping Success (%s ms)
ICMP ping Timed out
UDP ping error: %s
UDP Ping Success (%s ms)
TCP ping: socket_connect(), reason: %s
TCP ping: socket_select() failed, reason: %s
TCP Ping Success (%s ms)
TCP ping timed out
%s Version %s or above is required for %s.
%s is required for %s, and it is not installed.