Does Not Match
Update Re-Index Cache complete. There were %s index changes, and %s orphaned indexes.
Detected New Sort Field: '%s' Old Sort Field '%s'
Tested Bulk Walk Size %d with a response of %2.4f.
Bulk Walk Size selected was %d.
Bulk Walk Size is fixed at %d.
List of indexes filtered by value @ '%s' Index Count: %s
Filtered Index by value found at OID: '%s' value: '%s'
No index[%s] in value_index_parse, skipping.
Bogus rewrite_value item found, index='%s'
Could not parse translation map (rewrite_value)
rewrite_value: '%s' => '%s'
Update graph data query cache complete
RRDfile not created yet
Settings save to Data Collector %d skipped due to heartbeat.
Form Validation Failed: Variable '%s' does not allow nulls and variable is null
Form Validation Failed: Variable '%s' with Value '%s' Failed REGEX '%s'
One or more fields failed validation
Since Install