%d High/Low Samples
%d Spikes
RRDfile Backup Directory
The Base Time for Spike removal to occur. For example, if you use '12:00am' and you choose once per day, the batch removal would begin at approximately midnight every day.
Which Graph mode you want displayed by default when you first visit the Graphs page?
TimeZone Support
Cacti Server Timezone
The date format to use in Cacti.
When displaying Graphs, allow Graph Dates to extend 'to future'
Which portions of Cacti display Thumbnails by default.
%d Columns
The font file to be used for Graph Legend items
How do you wish to view Realtime Graphs?
You are now logged into <a href="%s"><b>Cacti</b></a>. You can follow these basic steps to get started.
<a href="%s">Create devices</a> for network
<a href="%s">Create graphs</a> for your new devices
<strong>NOTE:</strong> You are logged into a Remote Data Collector. When <b>'online'</b>, you will be able to view and control much of the Main Cacti Web Site just as if you were logged into it. Also, it's important to note that Remote Data Collectors are required to use the Cacti's Performance Boosting Services <b>'On Demand Updating'</b> feature, and we always recommend using Spine. When the Remote Data Collector is <b>'offline'</b>, the Remote Data Collectors Web Site will contain much less information. However, it will cache all updates until the Main Cacti Database and Web Server are reachable. Then it will dump it's Boost table output back to the Main Cacti Database for updating.
Path for %s
Cacti Server v%s - Maintenance
Cacti Server v%s - Installation Wizard