Any strings that match this regex will be excluded from the user display. <strong>For example, if you want to exclude all log lines that include the words 'Admin' or 'Login' you would type '(Admin || Login)'</strong>
Cache Directory
This is the location, on the web server where the RRDfiles and PNG files will be cached. This cache will be managed by the poller. Make sure you have the correct read and write permissions on this folder
How do you wish fonts to be handled by default?
Enter Valid Font Config Value
The size of the font used for Graph Axis
The polling interval in use. This setting will affect how often RRDfiles are checked and updated. <strong><u>NOTE: If you change this value, you must re-populate the poller cache. Failure to do so, may result in lost data.</u></strong>
If you choose this option, Cacti will attempt to balance the load of each poller process by equally distributing poller items per process.
If you choose this option, Cacti will check for output that exceeds Cacti's ability to store it and issue a warning when it finds it.
Controls disabling check for increasing OID while walking OID tree.
Poller Sync Interval
Additional Data Collector Settings
The maximum time that spine will wait on a script to complete. This timeout value is in seconds and valid for both cmd.php and spine Data Collectors.
%s Minute
%s Hour
%d Processes
<blockquote><i>Built-in Authentication</i> - Cacti handles user authentication, which allows you to create users and give them rights to different areas within Cacti.<br><br><i>Web Basic Authentication</i> - Authentication is handled by the web server. Users can be added or created automatically on first login if the Template User is defined, otherwise the defined guest permissions will be used.<br><br><i>LDAP Authentication</i> - Allows for authentication against a LDAP server. Users will be created automatically on first login if the Template User is defined, otherwise the defined guest permissions will be used. If PHPs LDAP module is not enabled, LDAP Authentication will not appear as a selectable option.<br><br><i>Multiple LDAP/AD Domain Authentication</i> - Allows administrators to support multiple disparate groups from different LDAP/AD directories to access Cacti resources. Just as LDAP Authentication, the PHP LDAP module is required to utilize this method.</blockquote>
No User
%d Attempts
Auto Unlock