%s Thread
%s Threads
If Cacti can not determine the interface speed due to either ifSpeed or ifHighSpeed not being set or being zero, what maximum value do you wish on the resulting RRDfiles.
100 Mbps Ethernet
1 Gbps Ethernet
10 Gbps Ethernet
25 Gbps Ethernet
40 Gbps Ethernet
56 Gbps Ethernet
100 Gbps Ethernet
Auth Passphrase (v3)
Privacy Passphrase (v3)
Default Availability/Reachability for all new Devices. The method Cacti will use to determine if a Device is available for polling. <br><i>NOTE: It is recommended that, at a minimum, SNMP always be selected.</i>
Default Ping type for all new Devices.</i>
The number of times Cacti will attempt to ping a Device before marking it as down.
Please select one of the available Themes to skin your Cacti with.
The default number of rows to return from an autocomplete based select pattern match.
Graph/Data Source/Data Query Settings
When creating graphs, what Graph Type would you like pre-selected?
How often do you want the Cacti log display to update.