Synchronize Device Template
Synchronize Devices Templates
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Device on a Report.
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Devices on a Report.
Place Devices on Report
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Device on Tree %s.
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate following Devices on Tree %s.
Place Device on Tree
Place Devices on Tree
[ In state since '%s', Uptime since '%s' ]
Service Check
The number of threads to use to collect information for this Device. Applies to spine only.
The site associated to this Device
The Availability/Reachability method used to communicate with the device. In some cases, the Availability/Reachability method will be 'none', which is not uncommon for some devices
Create Date
The Date that the Device was added to Cacti.
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Device Template.
Click 'Continue' to Delete following Device Templates.
Delete Device Template
Delete Device Templates