Cacti Log Path
The path to your Cacti log file (if blank, defaults to <path_cacti>/log/cacti.log)
Poller Standard Error Log Path
If you are having issues with Cacti's Data Collectors, set this file path and the Data Collectors standard error will be redirected to this file
RRDfile Auto Clean
Automatically archive or delete RRDfiles when their corresponding Data Sources are removed from Cacti
The method used to Clean RRDfiles from Cacti after their Data Sources are deleted.
This is the directory where RRDfiles are <strong>moved</strong> for archiving
How will Cacti handle event logging.
Record when request fields are accessed without going through proper input validation
A developer only option to trace the creation of Data Sources mainly around checks for uniqueness
Select which Plugins you wish to place in Debug mode regardless of the Generic Log Level setting. Any files used by this plugin will be treated as they are in Debug mode.
Client TimeZone Support
Show only site specific locations
RRDtool Version
There are four methods for determining a User's Graph Permissions. The first is 'Permissive'. Under the 'Permissive' setting, a User only needs access to either the Graph, Device or Graph Template to gain access to the Graphs that apply to them. Under 'Restrictive', the User must have access to the Graph, the Device, and the Graph Template to gain access to the Graph. These first two methods have scalability problems for very large installs. So, two additional options are available. They are 'Device Based', which means if you have access to the Device, you get access to it's Graphs. And lastly 'Graph Template Based', which means if you have access to the 'Graph Template' you get access to all Device Graphs of that Template.
For use with Cacti's External Link Support. Using this setting, you can hide the Cacti Dashboard, so you can display just your own page.
Certain Cacti plugins require the use of unsafe JavaScript eval() calls. If you select this option, they will be allowed in Cacti.
The amount of time, in seconds, that the Central Cacti web server will wait for a response from the Remote Data Collector to obtain various Device information before abandoning the request. On Devices that are associated with Data Collectors other than the Central Cacti Data Collector, the Remote Agent must be used to gather Device information.