Click 'Continue' to Create an Aggregate Graph from the selected Graphs.
The following Data Source is in use by this Graph.
The following Data Source is in use by these Graphs.
Choose an Aggregate Template and click 'Continue' to Create the Aggregate Graph from the following Graph.
Choose an Aggregate Template and click 'Continue' to Create the Aggregate Graph from the following Graphs.
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Graph on a Report.
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Graphs on a Report.
Place Graph on Report
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Graph on Tree %s.
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate following Graphs on Tree %s.
Place Graph on Tree
Place Graphs on Tree
View Timespans.
Non Templated
The image format of the Graph.
Error Parsing Data Query Resource XML file for Data Query '%s' with id of '%s'
Error Parsing Data Query Resource XML file for Data Query '%s' with id '%s'
The index is disabled due to the Data Query having no associated Graph Templates.
Error in Data Query. This could be due to the following: File Permissions, or a missing or improperly formatted Data Query XML file.