Based upon the Aggregation Level, the Rows, and the Polling Interval the amount of data that will be retained in the RRA
The hex value for this color; valid range: 000000-FFFFFF.
Field [%s]
Choose the associated field from the %s field.
Enter a name for this %s field. Note: If using name value pairs in your script, for example: NAME:VALUE, it is important that the name match your output field name identically to the script output name or names.
If this field should be treated specially by host templates, indicate so here. Valid keywords for this field are %s
Use <br> --alt-autoscale to scale to the absolute minimum and maximum <br> --alt-autoscale-max to scale to the maximum value, using a given lower limit <br> --alt-autoscale-min to scale to the minimum value, using a given upper limit <br> --alt-autoscale (with limits) to scale using both lower and upper limits (RRDtool default) <br>
Use --alt-autoscale (accepting both limits, RRDtool default)
Unit Grid Value (--unit/--y-grid)
Right Axis Format (--right-axis-format &lt;format&gt;)
By default, the format of the axis labels gets determined automatically. If you want to do this yourself, use this option with the same %lf arguments you know from the PRINT and GPRINT commands.
When you setup the right axis labeling, apply a rule to the data format. Supported formats include "numeric" where data is treated as numeric, "timestamp" where values are interpreted as UNIX timestamps (number of seconds since January 1970) and expressed using strftime format (default is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"). See also --units-length and --right-axis-format. Finally "duration" where values are interpreted as duration in milliseconds. Formatting follows the rules of valstrfduration qualified PRINT/GPRINT.
Left Axis Format (--left-axis-format &lt;format&gt;)
Left Axis Formatter (--left-axis-formatter &lt;formatname&gt;)
When you setup the left axis labeling, apply a rule to the data format. Supported formats include "numeric" where data is treated as numeric, "timestamp" where values are interpreted as UNIX timestamps (number of seconds since January 1970) and expressed using strftime format (default is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"). See also --units-length. Finally "duration" where values are interpreted as duration in milliseconds. Formatting follows the rules of valstrfduration qualified PRINT/GPRINT.
Auto Padding
Tab Width (--tabwidth &lt;pixels&gt;)
Legend Position (--legend-position=&lt;position&gt;)
Legend Direction (--legend-direction=&lt;direction&gt;)
The color to use for the legend.