Round Robin Archives
RRD Cleaner
Boost Status
SNMP Community String
SNMP Timeout
%d OID
%d OID's
%d Repetition
%d Repetitions
SNMP Retries
The frequency that data will be collected from the Data Source?
X-Files Factor
The number of samples required prior to filling a row in the RRA specification. The first RRA should always have a value of 1.
Based upon the Aggregation Level, the Rows, and the Polling Interval the amount of data that will be retained in the RRA
The hex value for this color; valid range: 000000-FFFFFF.
Field [%s]
Choose the associated field from the %s field.
Enter a name for this %s field. Note: If using name value pairs in your script, for example: NAME:VALUE, it is important that the name match your output field name identically to the script output name or names.