%d Minutes
When discovering devices, allow duplicate sysnames to be added on different hosts
What Day(s) of the week will this Network Range be discovered.
What Months(s) of the Year will this Network Range be discovered.
What Day(s) of the Month will this Network Range be discovered.
Week(s) of Month
What Week(s) of the Month will this Network Range be discovered.
Day(s) of Week
The Email account name to be used as the senders name for the Notification Email. If left blank, Cacti will use the default Automation Notification Name if specified, otherwise, it will use the Cacti system default Email name
The Email Address to be used as the senders Email for the Notification Email. If left blank, Cacti will use the default Automation Notification Email Address if specified, otherwise, it will use the Cacti system default Email Address
Ping Retry Count
Select the days(s) of the week
Select the month(s) of the year
Select the day(s) of the month
Select the week(s) of the month
Select the day(s) of the week
Network Discovery Range [edit: %s]
Network Discovery Range [new]
%d Seconds
Import Networks