Peak Poller Memory:
Records: %s (ds rows), Time: %s (secs), GetRows: %s (secs), ResultsCycle: %s (secs), FileAndTemplate: %s (secs), LastUpdate: %s (secs), RRDUpdate: %s (secs), Delete: %s (secs)
Previous Runtime Timers:
Process: %d
Status: <span class="deviceUp"><b>Running</b></span>, Remaining: %s (dses), CurrentRuntime: %s (secs), PrevRuntime: %s (secs), PrevProcessed: %10s (ds rows)
Status: <span class="deviceRecovering"><b>Idle</b></span>, PrevRuntime: %s (secs), PrevProcessed: %10s (ds rows)
Concurrent Processes:
Maximum Records:
Cache Directory:
Cached Files:
Severity Level: %s
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following VDEF.
Click 'Continue' to Delete following VDEFs.
Delete VDEF
Delete VDEFs
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate the following VDEF.
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate following VDEFs.
Duplicate VDEF