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Legend for Export/Hover
A Legend to be displayed when Hovering over the Graph and also used for Graph Export. Hover requires RRDtool 1.9.1 and above. It may work for RRDtool 1.8+, but not for Thold Legends.
If a Device goes down, use this SNMP Option Set to attempt to re-establish communication with the device and update the devices settings based upon the first matching SNMP Options Set.
A series of space delimited tags to help with searching for this Device Template.
Brief installation instructions provided by the Device Template author.
This is the Log file where Boost will write its information to. It much be located in the same directory as the Cacti Log file.
GitHub/GitLab API Settings
Base API Repository URL
If you wish to get the latest plguins versions directly from GitHub or GitLab enter the GitHub or GitLab API url here. The default is https://api.github.com/. Change this only if you have your own repository that you maintain for Cacti Plugins.
The User account that holds your GitHub/GitLab repositories. Change this only if you have your own repository that you maintain for Cacti Plugins.
If you wish to get the latest plguins versions directly from GitHub without overly restricted rate limiting, enter your Personal Access Token here.
If you would like to allow the installation of Cacti Plugins from their 'develop' branch, check this checkbox.
The Email address of the author that you wish published with the Device Template or Package.
Template/Package Copyright
The default copyright that you would like to use for your packaged Device Templates and Packages.
The Logging level for Automation activities. Levels are Low, Medium and High.
Downed Device SNMP Recovery Options Retry Frequency
When a Device is Down, and has an SNMP Recovery Options Set established, how often do you wish to try to reciver the Device using the SNMP Options Set specified?
Poller Output Not Empty Debouncing