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By default Cacti page help is located at docs.cacti.net. However, if your system does not have access to the Internet, you may download the documentation locally in HTML format and host it in the 'docs' location of you Cacti server. If you choose only to leverage the local location for page help documentation, check this checkbox.
The specificed value appears to be different in the running config versus the INI file.
Show only locations that are available at a devices selected site.
There are problems with the Change Password page. Contact your Cacti administrator right away.
Some CDEF Items will not import due to an export error! Contact Template provider for an updated export.
NAS/SAN Related
Power Related PDUs/STS, etc.
. This is limited by the php setting 'max_input_vars', currently:
The Main Data Collector has gone to an Offline or Recovering Status
Refresh Poller Table Per Cycle
This setting is for a single poller systems only to rebuild the poller output table on each polling cycle to prevent the memory table from swapping on very large systems with large databases that could use swap.
The pdp_per_row of '%s' is invalid for RRA '%s' should be '%s'. Consider deleting and allowing Cacti to re-create RRDfile.
The Data Query ID [%s] that you are trying to Edit does not exist. Please run the repair_database.php CLI script to resolve this database issue.
The "Distinguished Name" syntax, applicable for both OpenLDAP and Windows AD configurations, offers flexibility in defining user identity. For OpenLDAP, the format follows this structure: <i>"uid=&lt;username&gt;,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=local"</i>. Windows AD provides an alternative syntax: <i>"&lt;username&gt;@win2kdomain.local"</i>, commonly known as "userPrincipalName (UPN)". In this context, "&lt;username&gt;" represents the specific username provided during the login prompt. This is particularly pertinent when operating in "No Searching" mode, or "Require Group Membership" enabled.
This refers to the specific attribute within the LDAP directory that holds the usernames of group members. It is crucial to ensure that the attribute value aligns with the configuration specified in the "Distinguished Name" or that the actual attribute value is searchable using the settings outlined in the "Distinguished Name".
Changing Permission Model Warning
Changing Permission Model will alter a users effective Graph permissions.
After you change the Graph Permission Model you should audit your Users and User Groups Effective Graph permission to ensure that you still have adequate control of your Graphs. NOTE: If you want to restrict all Graphs at the Device or Graph Template Graph Permission Model, the default Graph Policy should be set to 'Deny'.
Bogus rewrite_value item found, index='%s'
Could not parse translation map (rewrite_value)