English Chinese (Simplified)
Access Denied! Guest user id %s does not exist. Please contact your Administrator. 访问被拒绝,请联系Cacti 管理员.
Device %s Added to Cacti 添加到Cacti
Device %s Not Added to Cacti 没有添加到Cacti
Color Template '%s' had %d Aggregate Templates pushed out and %d Non-Templated Aggregates pushed out 颜色模板'%s'已推出%d个聚集模板,而%d个非模板聚集被推出
Color Template '%s' had no Aggregate Templates or Graphs using this Color Template. 颜色模板'%s'没有使用此颜色模板的聚合模板或图形。
For attribute '%s', issue found '%s' 对于attrbitute'%s',问题发现'%s'
Repair Steps [ %s ] 修复步骤[%s]
Edit Graph: '%s'. 编辑图形模板.
Graph Management [ %s ] 图形管理
New Graphs for [ %s ] (%s %s) 新图形 [ %s ]
Error Parsing Data Query Resource XML file for Data Query '%s' with id '%s'. Field Name '%s' missing a 'direction' attribute 为 ID 为“%s”的数据查询“%s”解析数据查询资源 XML 文件时出错
Device Reindex Completed in %0.2f seconds. There were %d items updated. 设备重新索引在%0.2f秒内完成。有%d个项目已更新。
Unable to add some Devices to Report '%s' 无法连接到服务器
Every %d Day 每 %1 天
%0.1f Minutes %d 分
%d OID Max OID
%d Repitition 日志保留个数
%d Repetitions 网格选项
%s Thread %d 线程
%s Threads %d 线程