English Chinese (Simplified)
Item #%d 项 #%d
Colors in use cannot be Deleted. In use is defined as being referenced either by a Graph or a Graph Template. 正在由图形或图形模板引用的颜色不能被删除.
Color Templates that are in use cannot be Deleted. In use is defined as being referenced by an Aggregate Template. 正在被聚合模板引用的颜色模板不能被删除.
GPRINTs that are in use cannot be Deleted. In use is defined as being referenced by either a Graph or a Graph Template. 正在被图形或图形模板引用的GPRINT 不能被删除.
Graph Templates that are in use cannot be Deleted. In use is defined as being referenced by a Graph. 正在由Graph引用的图形模板不能被删除.
No Device - 无设备
Password successfully changed. 密码已成功更改
The Replacement String Pattern for use as a Tree Header.<br>Refer to a Match by e.g. <strong>\${1}</strong> for the first match! 第一个匹配的<strong>\${1}</strong>用作树标题的替换字符串模式.
Search filter to use to locate the user in the LDAP directory, such as for windows: <i>'(&amp;(objectclass=user)(objectcategory=user)(userPrincipalName=&lt;username&gt;*))'</i> or for OpenLDAP: <i>'(&(objectClass=account)(uid=&lt;username&gt))'</i>. '&lt;username&gt' is replaced with the username that was supplied at the login prompt. 用于在LDAP 目录中找到用户的搜索过滤器,例如用于Windows 的: <i>'(&amp;(objectclass=user)(objectcategory=user)(userPrincipalName=&lt;username&gt;*))'</i> 或者用于OpenLDAP: <i>'(&(objectClass=account)(uid=&lt;username&gt))'</i>. '&lt;用户名&gt' 被在登录提示符处提供的用户名替换.
<a href="%s">Create graphs</a> for your new devices 为新设备<a href="%s">创建图形</a>
Restricted By: 受限的
Granted By: 授予访问权限
Failed fields: 失败的字段:
Data Source returned Bad Results for 数据源返回糟糕的结果
SMTP error: SMTP error:
[preview] [预览]
This process will guide you through the steps for upgrading from version '%s'. 此过程将指导您完成从版本 '%s' 升级的步骤.
Select default theme: 选择默认主题:
Your server collation does NOT appear to be fully UTF8 compliant. 您的服务器排序规则似乎不完全符合UTF8 标准.
Your database default collation does NOT appear to be full UTF8 compliant. 您的数据库默认排序规则似乎不符合UTF8标准.