English Chinese (Simplified)
Website does not have write access to %s, may be unable to create/update RRDs 网站没有 %s 的写入权限,可能无法创建/更新RRD
(Custom) (自定义)
Failed to open data file, poller may not have run yet 无法打开数据文件,poller 可能尚未运行
RRA Folder RRA 文件夹
Root 根目录
Unknown RRDtool Error 未知的RRDtool 错误
Attempting to Create Graph from Non-Template 从模板创建聚合
Attempting to Create Graph from Removed Graph Template 尝试从已删除的图形模板创建图形
Created: %s 已创建图形: %s
ERROR: Whitelist Validation Failed. Check Data Input Method ERROR: 白名单验证失败.请检查数据输入方法
Graph Not created for %s due to bad data 由于数据不正确,未为%s创建图形
NOTE: Graph not added for Data Query %s and index %s due to Data Source verification failure 注意:由于数据源验证失败,未为数据查询%s和索引%s添加图形
MySQL 5.6+ and MariaDB 10.0+ are great releases, and are very good versions to choose. Make sure you run the very latest release though which fixes a long standing low level networking issue that was causing spine many issues with reliability. MySQL 5.6+ 和MariaDB 10.0+ 都是很棒的版本,并且是非常好的可供选择的版本.请确保运行的是最新的版本,它们修复了一个长期存在的底层网络问题,那个问题会导致spine 遭遇很多可靠性问题.
It is STRONGLY recommended that you enable InnoDB in any %s version greater than 5.5.3. 建议在任何版本大于5.1的 %s 中启用InnoDB.
When using Cacti with languages other than English, it is important to use the utf8mb4_unicode_ci collation type as some characters take more than a single byte. 当Cacti 用于非英语的其它语言环境时, 数据库使用utf8mb4_general_ci 排序规则非常重要,因为某些字符的值不止一个字节.
When using Cacti with languages other than English, it is important to use the utf8mb4 character set as some characters take more than a single byte. 当Cacti 用于非英语的其它语言环境时,数据库使用utf8mb4 字符集非常重要,因为某些字符会使用不止一个字节.
It is recommended that you enable InnoDB in any %s version greater than 5.1. 建议在任何版本大于5.1的 %s 中启用InnoDB.
Depending on the number of logins and use of spine data collector, %s will need many connections. The calculation for spine is: total_connections = total_processes * (total_threads + script_servers + 1), then you must leave headroom for user connections, which will change depending on the number of concurrent login accounts. 根据登录次数和使用spine 数据采集器, %s 将需要许多连接. spine的计算是:total_connections = total_processes *(total_threads + script_servers + 1),那么您必须留下用于用户连接的空间,这取决于并发登录的帐户数.
Keeping the table cache larger means less file open/close operations when using innodb_file_per_table. 使用innodb_file_per_table 时,使用更大的表缓存意味着更少的文件打开/关闭操作.
With Remote polling capabilities, large amounts of data will be synced from the main server to the remote pollers. Therefore, keep this value at or above 16M. 通过远程poller 功能,大量数据将从主服务器同步到远程poller. 因此,请将此值保持在16M 或以上.