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Installation In Progress
SNMPv3 Auth Passphrases must be 8 characters or greater.
You must select at least one object from the list.
Invalid timestamp. Select timestamp in the future.
When saving a Remote Data Collector, the Database Hostname must be unique from all others.
Report Saved
Syslog/Eventlog Only
Last %d Days
Take Ownership
Clear User Log
Data Source Path
Shift Data
The number of concurrent threads to use for polling this device. This applies to the Spine poller only.
Log Input Validation Issues
Certain Cacti plugins require the use of unsafe JavaScript eval() calls. If you select this option, they will be allowed in Cacti.
25 Gbps Ethernet
Data Collection Enabled
The font file to be used for Graph Legend items
How do you wish to view Realtime Graphs?
Matching Devices