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Enter Valid Font Config Value
Title Font Size
The size of the font used for Graph Titles
Title Font Setting
The font to use for Graph Titles. Enter either a valid True Type Font file or valid Pango font-config value.
Legend Font Size
The size of the font used for Graph Legend items
Legend Font Setting
The font to use for Graph Legends. Enter either a valid True Type Font file or valid Pango font-config value.
Axis Font Size
The size of the font used for Graph Axis
Axis Font Setting
The font to use for Graph Axis items. Enter either a valid True Type Font file or valid Pango font-config value.
Unit Font Size
The size of the font used for Graph Units
Unit Font Setting
The font to use for Graph Unit items. Enter either a valid True Type Font file or valid Pango font-config value.
Start of Business Day
The time your business hours start. Format: hh:mm
End of Business Day