English Ukrainian
Purge Data Source Statistics
This menu pick will purge all existing Data Source Statistics from the Database. If Data Source Statistics is enabled, the Data Sources Statistics will start collection again on the next Data Collector pass.
RRD Utilities
RRDfile Cleaner
When you delete Data Sources from Cacti, the corresponding RRDfiles are not removed automatically. Use this utility to facilitate the removal of these old files.
Use this utility to display problems with missing rrd files or missing values in rrdfiles. You need enable rrdcheck in Configuration->Settings->Data
SNMP Agent Utilities
This shows all objects being handled by the SNMP Agent.
Rebuild SNMP Agent Cache
The SNMP cache will be cleared and re-generated if you select this option. Note that it takes another poller run to restore the SNMP cache completely.
This menu pick allows you to view the latest events SNMP Agent has handled in relation to the registered notification receivers.
Allows Administrators to maintain SNMP notification receivers.
Cacti System Utilities
Refresh Interval
Overrun Warning
Timed Out
Cannot open directory
Directory Does NOT Exist!!
Current Boost Status