English Ukrainian
Last Run Statistics
System Memory
%s GB
MySQL/MariaDB Memory Statistics (Source: MySQL Tuner)
Max Total Memory Possible
Reduce MySQL/MariaDB Memory to less than 80% of System Memory. Preserve additional Cache Memory for RRDfiles if the Database is on the same system as the RRDfiles. See Core and Client Totals below for explanation of calculation method.
Max Core Memory Possible
Reduce Total Core Memory
Calculation Formula
Max Connection Memory Possible
Reduce Total Client Memory
PHP Information
PHP Version
PHP Version 5.5.0+ is recommended due to strong password hashing support.
PHP uname
Installed. <span class="deviceDown">Note: If you are planning on using SNMPv3, you must remove php-snmp and use the Net-SNMP toolset.</span>
You've set memory limit to 'unlimited'.
It is highly suggested that you alter you php.ini memory_limit to %s or higher.