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The number of rows for Cacti RRA id '%s' is incorrect. The number of rows are '%s' but should be '%s'
The pdp_per_row of '%s' is invalid for RRA '%s' should be '%s'. Consider deleting and allowing Cacti to re-create RRDfile.
The Plugin in the directory '%s' does not include an install function '%s()'. This function must exist for the plugin to be installed.
The Template Import Succeeded.
The Template XML file "%s" validation failed
The XML files appears to be invalid. Please contact the package author
The XML files for the package does not exist
Unmet: %d
Use a separate subfolder for each hosts RRD files. The naming of the RRDfiles will be one of the following:<br><ul><li>&lt;path_cacti&gt;/rra/host_id/local_data_id.rrd,</li><li>&lt;path_cacti&gt;/rra/device_id/data_query_id/local_data_id.rrd,</li><li>&lt;path_cacti&gt;/rra/device_hash/device_id/local_data_id.rrd,</li><li>&lt;path_cacti&gt;/rra/device_hash/device_id/data_query_id/local_data_id.rrd.</li></ul><br>You can make this change after install by running the CLI script <b>structure_rra_paths.php</b> after you make the change. NOTE: If you change Max Directories value to decrease the number of directories, or if you change the Directory Pattern, empty directories will not be pruned after you rerun the <b>structure_rra_paths.php</b> script.
Use this utility to display problems with missing rrd files or missing values in rrdfiles. You need enable rrdcheck in Configuration->Settings->Data
WARNING: %s is out of sync with the Poller Interval for poller id %d! The Poller Interval is %d seconds, with a maximum of a %d seconds, but %d seconds have passed since the last poll!
WARNING: Poller Output Table not empty for poller id %d. Issues: %d, %s.
WARNING: PollerID:%s with Name:%s is in Heartbeat Status
WARNING: There are %d processes detected as overrunning a polling cycle for poller id %d, please investigate.
When performing joins, if they are below this size, they will be kept in memory and never written to a temporary file. As this is a per connection memory allocation, care must be taken not to increase it too high. The sum of the join_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size + read_buffer_size + read_rnd_buffer_size + thread_stack + binlog_cache_size + Core MySQL/MariaDB memory should be below 80%. If the recommendation is negative, you must decrease this and or the sort_buffer_size until the recommendation fits within the allowable memory.
You have not Trusted this Package Author. If you wish to import, check the Automatically Trust Author checkbox