English Japanese
%s will divide the innodb_buffer_pool into memory regions to improve performance for versions of MySQL upto and including MySQL 8.0. The max value is 64, but should not exceed more than the number of CPU cores/threads. When your innodb_buffer_pool is less than 1GB, you should use the pool size divided by 128MB. Continue to use this equation up to the max of the number of CPU cores or 64.
%s Tuning チューニング
Not Compatible, %s 互換性がありません
Available Templates [%s] 利用可能なテンプレート
Met: %d Met
User Settings %s ユーザー設定
User Management %s ユーザー管理
Technical Support [%s] テクニカルサポート
Action[%s] アクション
%d Bytes バイト
Process: %d プロセス: %d
Severity Level: %s 深刻度レベル