Your Cacti Server is now installing
Your Cacti Server v%s has been installed/updated with errors
Your Cacti Server v%s has been installed/updated. You may now start using the software.
Your database default collation appears to be UTF8 compliant
Your database default collation does NOT appear to be full UTF8 compliant.
Your Graph Template has not Data Templates in use. Please correct your Graph Template
Your password must contain a mix of lower case and upper case characters!
Your password must contain at least 1 special character!
Your Remote Cacti Poller information has not been included in your config.php file. Please review the config.php.dist, and set the variables: <i>$rdatabase_default, $rdatabase_username</i>, etc. These variables must be set and point back to your Primary Cacti database server. Correct this and try again.
Your server collation appears to be UTF8 compliant
Your server collation does NOT appear to be fully UTF8 compliant.