Image Format (--imgformat)
The type of graph that is generated; PNG, GIF or SVG. The selection of graph image type is very RRDtool dependent.
Height (--height)
The height (in pixels) of the graph area within the graph. This area does not include the legend, axis legends, or title.
Width (--width)
The width (in pixels) of the graph area within the graph. This area does not include the legend, axis legends, or title.
Base Value (--base)
Should be set to 1024 for memory and 1000 for traffic measurements.
Slope Mode (--slope-mode)
Using Slope Mode evens out the shape of the graphs at the expense of some on screen resolution.
Scaling Options
Auto Scale
Auto scale the y-axis instead of defining an upper and lower limit. Note: if this is check both the Upper and Lower limit will be ignored.
Auto Scale Options
Use <br> --alt-autoscale to scale to the absolute minimum and maximum <br> --alt-autoscale-max to scale to the maximum value, using a given lower limit <br> --alt-autoscale-min to scale to the minimum value, using a given upper limit <br> --alt-autoscale (with limits) to scale using both lower and upper limits (RRDtool default) <br>
Use --alt-autoscale (ignoring given limits)
Use --alt-autoscale-max (accepting a lower limit)
Use --alt-autoscale-min (accepting an upper limit)
Use --alt-autoscale (accepting both limits, RRDtool default)
Logarithmic Scaling (--logarithmic)