Error in Package
The package "%s" download or validation failed
Package XML File Damaged.
Check the package repository file for files that should exist and find the one that is missing
File Differences for:
Actions available include 'Install', 'Activate', 'Disable', 'Enable', 'Uninstall'.
The version of this Plugin.
Uninstalling this Plugin will remove all Plugin Data and Settings. If you really want to Uninstall the Plugin, click 'Uninstall' below. Otherwise click 'Cancel'
Not Compatible, %s
Plugin directory is missing!
Plugin directories can not include spaces
Plugin directory is not correct. Should be '%s' but is '%s'
Plugin directory '%s' is missing setup.php
Plugin is lacking an INFO file
Plugin is integrated into Cacti core
WARNING: %s is out of sync with the Poller Interval for poller id %d! The Poller Interval is %d seconds, with a maximum of a %d seconds, but %d seconds have passed since the last poll!
WARNING: There are %d processes detected as overrunning a polling cycle for poller id %d, please investigate.
WARNING: Poller Output Table not empty for poller id %d. Issues: %d, %s.
ERROR: The spine path: %s is invalid for poller id %d. Poller can not continue!