Please upgrade to PHP 5.5.4+ for IPv6 support!
UDP ping error: %s
UDP Ping Success (%s ms)
TCP ping: socket_connect(), reason: %s
TCP ping: socket_select() failed, reason: %s
TCP Ping Success (%s ms)
TCP ping timed out
%s Version %s or above is required for %s.
%s is required for %s, and it is not installed.
The Plugin directory '%s' needs to be renamed to remove 'plugin_' from the name before it can be installed.
The Plugin in the directory '%s' does not include an version function '%s()'. This function must exist for the plugin to be installed.
The Plugin in the directory '%s' does not include an install function '%s()'. This function must exist for the plugin to be installed.
Requires: Cacti >= %s
Legacy Plugin
Device '%s' successfully added to Report.
Device not found! Unable to add to Report
Problems sending Report '%s' Problem with e-mail Subsystem Error is '%s'
Report '%s' Sent Successfully
Graph Timespan: