Setting default data source profile to %s (%s)
Failed to find selected profile (%s), no changes were made
Updating automation network (%s), mode "%s" => "%s", subnet "%s" => %s"
Selecting Automation Option Set %s
Updating Automation Option Set %s
Resequencing Automation Option Set %s
Failed to updated Automation Option Set %s
Failed to find any automation option set
Device Template for First Cacti Device is %s
Found %s tables to convert
Converting Table #%s '%s'
No tables where found or selected for conversion
Switched from %s to %s
NOTE: Using temporary file for db cache: %s
Upgrading from v%s (DB %s) to v%s
WARNING: Failed to find upgrade function for v%s
Background was already started at %s, this attempt at %s was skipped
Exception occurred during installation: #%s - %s
Installation was started at %s, completed at %s
No - %s